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Welcome Pack/Young Person Guide to the Service
The Service must produce a Guide explaining how the Service is provided and what package of support young people will receive from the Service.
The Guide should help each young person to understand:
- What support will be provided and how many hours of support you will receive a week;
- How you will be supported with daily living tasks, cooking, finances, tenancy agreements, health and wellbeing and psychological support;
- The Statement of Purpose for the Service will be shared with the young person;
- How to make a complaint in line with the Service’s Complaints procedure;
- How they can access advocacy support or independent advocacy if eligible; and
- How to contact the Office of the Children's Commissioner.
As part of reviewing and revising where appropriate the Statement of Purpose, the manager should review and update the Guide/Welcome Pack as necessary, and make sure young people are given an explanation of any changes.
Last Updated: February 20, 2023