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Safeguarding Young People and Referring Safeguarding Concerns

Scope of this chapter

All staff must be familiar with, and must follow, this procedure for responding to and reporting concerns about the safety of a child or young person.

The Service works to ensure that young people are protected from harm and enabled to keep themselves safe.

The manager will ensure:

  • That staff:
    • Assess whether each young person is at risk of harm, taking into account information in the young person’s relevant plans, and, if necessary, make arrangements to reduce the risk of any harm to the young person;
    • Help each young person to understand how to keep themselves safe and minimise the risks;
    • Have the skills to identify and act upon signs that a young person is at risk of harm;
    • Manage relationships between young people to prevent them from harming each other;
    • Understand the roles and responsibilities in relation to protecting children and young people that you support:
    • Take effective action whenever there is a serious concern about a young person’s welfare; and
    • Are familiar with, and act in accordance with, the Service’s child protection and safeguarding policies;
  • That the premises/properties used for the purposes of the Service are designed, furnished and maintained so as to protect each young person from avoidable hazards and maintain good health and safety requirements; and
  • That the effectiveness of the Service’s child protection and safeguarding policies are monitored regularly.

See also related procedures on protecting children and young people from specific types of harm and abuse:

Safeguarding is a term which is broader than 'child protection' and relates to the action taken to promote the welfare of children and young people and protect them from harm. Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. Safeguarding is defined in Working Together to Safeguard Children as:

  • Protecting children and young people from maltreatment;
  • Preventing impairment of children's and young people's mental and physical health and development;
  • Ensuring that children and young people grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and support; and
  • Taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes.

There are four defined categories of child abuse:

  • Physical Abuse;
  • Emotional Abuse;
  • Neglect;
  • Sexual Abuse.

See also: Recognising Abuse and Neglect Procedure.

The Service is proactive in working with children and young people to reduce the risk of harm to them, and sets high expectations to ensure that children and young people feel safe and are safe, understand how to protect themselves and are protected from significant harm, including (but not limited to) neglect, abuse, sexual and criminal exploitation, accidents, bullying, self-harm, forced marriage, female genital mutilation, homophobic behaviour, racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination, and radicalisation. Any discriminatory behaviours are challenged and help and support are given to children and young people about how to treat others with respect. Staff are prepared and supported to respond to children and young people who may face these risks, and receive suitable training. Young people must feel safe and be safe. Staff should support children and young people to be aware of and manage their own safety both inside and outside the Service. Staff should help children and young people to understand how to protect themselves, feel protected and be protected from significant harm. 

Young people should be encouraged to develop positive relationships with others both in and outside the Service as set out in the positive relationships standard. However, staff should be alert to the possibility that young people may be at risk from such relationships including with other young people they live with, staff, family members, friends and others outside the Service and they therefore should take appropriate steps to minimise and protect a young person where there are concerns for a young person’s safety.

Proactive and creative safeguarding practice means that all children and young people, including the most vulnerable, have a strong sense of safety and well-being and so are unlikely to be missing from their placement/ property on a regular basis. See: Missing Procedure.

Staff will be prepared and supported to manage situations and behaviour, and use clear and consistent boundaries to contribute to a feeling of well-being and security for young people. Young people will be involved in creating ways to de-escalate situations and finding creative alternative strategies that are effective.

Care and Pathway planning should ensure that any risks associated with the young person’s offending, misusing drugs or alcohol, self-harming, going missing, being affiliated with gangs, being subject to sexual or criminal exploitation, extremism or radicalism are known and understood by the staff who are supporting them. This includes regular contact and planning with the young person’s allocated social worker and their family, if this is appropriate and in accordance with plans for their future.

Leaders and managers will regularly review and act on any known risks to young people, taking advice and guidance from local partners and agencies as appropriate.

The manager is responsible for coordinating safeguarding referrals.

However, safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and protecting them from abuse and harm is a shared responsibility and depends on effective joint working between all staff working in the Service and other agencies. All staff have a responsibility to report any suspicions that a young person has been mistreated or harmed.

Local authorities have a duty to promote and safeguard the welfare of children and young people and to investigate and take necessary action to protect children and young people from abuse and harm.

The Service will maintain effective links with local authorities, designated officers and other safeguarding agencies and ensure that there is good communication about safeguarding issues, such as any injuries sustained during restraints or allegations against staff. The Service also has good relationships with relevant local voluntary sector organisations that may be able to offer specialist support to young people in keeping themselves safe.

The Service will also make all notifications to notify placing authorities, and other relevant persons about serious events (see Notification of Serious Events Procedure). 

Staff should continually and actively assess the risks to each young person and the arrangements in place to protect them. Where there are safeguarding concerns for a young person, their Placement or Care Plan must include details of the steps the Service will take to manage any assessed risks.

The Service implements a proportionate approach to risk assessments to ensure that these work in practice, are fit for purpose and provide enough information to all relevant people so that care and support is appropriate. Individual up-to-date risk assessments must effectively address any known vulnerabilities for each young person and set out what action should be taken to address and minimise the risks, and reduce harm or the risk of harm (see Risk Assessment and Planning Procedure).

There is a strong safeguarding culture within the Service where young people are listened to, respected and involved in both the development of the Service and decisions about their package of care and the Service they receive. All staff will strive to build positive relationships with the young people they support and develop a culture of openness and trust that encourages young people to be able to tell someone if they have concerns or worries about their safety.

Staff should make available in the Service, information in an appropriate form which enables young people to contact their placing authority to call for a review of their care or support plan if they have concerns about their safety or welfare. Staff should encourage young people to understand they can speak to an independent advocate, Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO), or other relevant person if they have concerns about their safety.

See also: Advocacy, Independent Visitors and Independent Reviewing Officers Procedure

Young people will be supported by staff to understand what abuse is. They will be given information about how to report abuse or any concerns about possible abuse. They will be able to access in private, relevant websites or help lines such as Childline to seek advice and help.

Young people will be able to identify a trusted adult who they can talk to about any concerns. When young people raise concerns, it is essential that the adults in whom they confide listen to them, take their concerns seriously and respond appropriately. 

All staff will undergo Safeguarding training. Staff need the knowledge and skills to recognise and be alert for any signs that might indicate a young person is in any way at risk of harm. The manager will ensure that skills in safeguarding are gained, refreshed and recorded in the Service’s workforce plan. See also: Staffing and Safe Recruitment Procedure.

Staff skills for safeguarding should include being able to identify signs that young person may be at risk, and support young people in strategies to manage and reduce any risks. Staff should encourage young people to express their views about whether they feel safe both within and outside the Service. Staff should support young people to understand how to ask for help to stay safe and that the Service is an environment which supports this.

All staff will be made aware of and have access to the Whistleblowing or Raising Concerns at Work Procedure

Supervision of staff practice should ensure that staff are engaged in the safeguarding culture of the Service so they understand what they would need to do if they found other staff misusing or abusing their position to the detriment of the safety of a young person. See also: Allegations Against Staff Procedure

The general principle is that all safeguarding concerns and any allegations must be reported.

Young people must be listened to and enabled to report any abuse or neglect at the earliest opportunity.

The following actions should be taken when there is any concern or, disclosure about the welfare of a child or young person. This includes non-recent or historical abuse that may have occurred at some time in the past and may not have been previously reported or investigated.

Harm can be perpetrated by any person, including:

Staff should firstly make their report to the Service’s manager, unless the manager is implicated. In which case staff must notify one of the following:

  • Another manager who is not implicated;
  • The local authority Children's Social Care Services in whose area the Service/property is located;
  • The young person’s allocated social worker/the placing authority;
  • Police.

In an emergency, where there is an immediate risk to the young person, staff must take necessary action. This may involve asking for police assistance or seeking emergency medical assistance e.g. taking the young person to hospital or contacting the emergency services via 999. If the young person is taken to hospital or the police are called, staff must inform them that there is a suspicion of abuse or harm. Thereafter staff must notify the manager (or other agency) as described above.

Once notified, the manager will be responsible for following the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Children Procedures for the area and making a referral to the local authority Children's Social Care Services (see Section 11, Action by the Manager). 

When sharing information about a young person with Children’s Social Care, it is good practice for practitioners to be transparent about their concerns and to seek to work cooperatively with the young person.

However, referrals can be made without first informing the young person where to do so would place a young person at risk. Any decision not to inform a young person must be recorded with reasons.

The Service must keep a record of all safeguarding concerns and the actions taken by staff/managers.

When a staff member sees, hears or is told anything that causes them to become concerned that a child or young person is suffering or likely to suffer Significant Harm, they must report it immediately - as described above in Section 9, Reporting Concerns.

Young people will sometimes disclose abuse to an adult who they have come to feel they can trust. If a young person discloses abuse it is important that staff respond appropriately by remaining calm and receptive; listening without interrupting; only asking questions for clarification and acknowledging the young person’s courage in telling.

It is not the staff member's responsibility to investigate or in any way make judgements about what is reported to them. Investigations, if necessary, must be undertaken by the police and Children's Social Care.

If a disclosure or allegation of abuse or harm has been made, staff should discuss with the young person or other person who has made the complaint what steps they would like taken to protect them and their wishes should be shared and, if not in conflict with procedures, followed.

Where the allegation or disclosure is of a non-recent or historical nature, e.g. relating to abuse or harm that may have been perpetrated in another placement or by family members, allegations must be taken seriously and must be reported in the same way as any other allegation.

Staff must not give absolute guarantees of confidentiality to those who report possible abuse or harm, but they should guarantee that they will take steps to ensure that appropriate action is taken and the young person protected.

If an allegation or any suspicion is about the behaviour, past or present of another member of staff, including managers, which may in any way put young person at risk, staff must follow the Allegations Against Staff Procedure

Staff must make a written record as soon as possible of what they have been told, any questions they asked and the replies given and the actions taken and by whom. They must then give the report to the manager.

This information should be placed on the young person's record except where a colleague is implicated or there is any risk to the young person as a result, in which case notes/records should be given to the manager dealing with the matter.

Staff should not discuss the matter with others, including other staff, parents etc. unless asked to do so by those responsible for dealing with any subsequent investigation or enquiry.

After receiving a report of a concern, suspicion or allegation of abuse or harm, the Service’s manager must firstly take any steps needed to protect any young person from risk of immediate harm.

The manager should ensure the following people are notified, and retain a record of the referral:

  • Children's Social Care in the area where the Service/property is located;
  • If the suspicion/allegation relates to a member of staff/professional*, the manager should ensure the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)/Team of Designated Officers is notified;
  • The Placing Authority/the allocated social worker.

*Re Allegations Against Staff: See Allegations Against Staff Procedure.

The procedures that will be followed will depend on the decisions made by Children's Social Care and the social worker. It is also likely that the Regulatory Authority will be involved in decision making.

The manager will co-operate with the decisions/actions taken by them.

Following receipt of the referral, if Children's Social Care have concerns that a young person has suffered or is likely to suffer significant harm a Strategy Discussion/Meeting will be convened, to decide whether to initiate a Child Protection Enquiry and, if so, to agree the following with the manager:

  1. Arrangements for any medical examination of the young person;
  2. Any immediate arrangements for protection of the young person, including whether the young person should be moved to another placement;
  3. Whether it is necessary to inform staff and if so who will do it;
  4. Whether any implicated staff should be suspended or moved;
  5. Who should inform/update the person making the initial allegation of the steps/actions taken?
  6. If Parents should be informed.

The manager should ensure that the young person is supported during any enquiries/investigation, this may require an independent advocate or independent person to be involved. The manager should also ensure that all staff co-operate fully.

If the manager is not satisfied with the response from either the local authority where the Service is situated or the placing authority, they should escalate their concerns appropriately, including by writing to the director of children’s services (DCS) in the placing local authority.

Abuse and harm can be perpetrated upon one child or young person by another in many different ways, including persistent or serious bullying, sexual exploitation, aggressive, exploitative or other threatening behaviour which places a child or young person at risk.

Where there is any suspicion or allegation of abuse or harm perpetrated by one child or young person upon another, the procedures in Section 9, Reporting Concerns should be followed.

Protecting the rights of both victim and alleged perpetrator is important. It may be necessary, dependent on an assessment of all the facts, to separate the alleged perpetrator and victim but it may not be possible to explain why this is necessary to the perpetrator.

Throughout the process thereafter it will be necessary to ensure that children or young people with allegations made against them are properly supported, by an independent person if appropriate or required, as well as their social worker.

Once the investigation is complete, consideration will then need to be given to the needs and interests of both alleged victim and perpetrator, and whether counselling and/or other support should be given.

Children or young people who are known to have sexually abused other children should not be placed together unless a risk assessment has been undertaken by someone specially qualified to do so.

Last Updated: February 20, 2023
